wind, aeolic, terrestrial, laser, scanner 10 minutes 5.7 meter Northern Pacific Ocean Riegl VZ-2000 Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 coastal area, intertidal zone, sediment mobilisation, sediment transport, tide CF-1.6 Anne Verheijen TLS_data20161025 TU Delft DISCLAIMER: This data is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. dbdf87c0-9ab0-11e6-bd44-ce61e3a1fbf1 TLS oysterville SEDEX CF-1.6 143052 meter 226890 meter 226790 meter final timeSeries Easting in meters in Washington State Plane South coordinates 17-08-2016T21:48:00Z (GMT) 0 meter 0.03 meter 142952 meter 2016-10-25T12:45:07Z Technical University Delft Anne Verheijen 18-08-2016T00:27:00Z (GMT) Northing in meters in Washington State Plane South coordinates Terrestrial laser measurements, linearly interploated on grid, at the beach in oysterville SEDEX2 timeSeries 0.03 meter up Z coordinates in meters in Washington State Plane South coordinates number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT) time timestamp at start of scan meter Easting x, y Easting meter Northing x, y Northing m z coordinate x, y z coordinate mm/h trend x, y linear trend in z coordinates per grid point - correlation coefficient squared x, y pierson r squared for linear trend in z coordinates per grid point m standard deviation x, y standard deviation between z coordinates per grid point