wind, winddir, wind direction, wind max, wind maximum, wind min, wind minimum 1 minute 2.48 North Sea degrees_north degrees_east Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 meteorology CF-1.6 ahverheijen near_surface_20170123 DISCLAIMER: This data is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 52.04547746522528 83bfdaf4-e146-11e6-b5fd-0242ac110002 platform_variable CF-1.6 wind-speed anemometers: Vector Instruments A100 cup anemometer. Wind direction wind-vane: Vector Instruments W200. preliminary timeSeries Near surface wind data Sand Motor 2017-01-23T08:32:45Z 52.04547746522528 2015-05-15T12:03:00Z 0.179 2017-01-23T08:32:45Z Wageningen UR 4.185153852634492 4.185153852634492 Corjan Nolet 2016-04-06T05:00:00Z 2017-01-23T08:32:45Z Wind measurements at the Sand Motor, 52.04547746522528, 4.185153852634492. Done with 1 pole with 6 anemometers, at 0.179 m, 0.572 m, 0.962 m, 1.470 m, 1.985 m, 2.480 m above the bed NatureCoast timeSeries up m above ground level netCDF created on: 2017-01-23T08:32:42Z with script, script revision number is 1674 saved on 2016-12-09T09:55:10Z. lat lat coordinates anemometers and wind vane lon lon coordinates anemometers and wind vane from bottom to top and top anemometer is at same level as wind vane height above ground level height anemometers and wind vane seconds from 1 January 1970 (GMT) time timestamp m s-1 wind_speed 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.179 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 m s-1 wind_speed 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.572 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.962 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 m s-1 wind_speed m s-1 wind_speed 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.470 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 m s-1 wind_speed 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.985 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 m s-1 wind_speed 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 2.480 m (above ground level) average windspeed on location 1 m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.179 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 1 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.572 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 2 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.962 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 3 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.470 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 4 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.985 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 5 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_min 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 2.480 m (above ground level) minimum windspeed on location 6 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.179 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 1 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.572 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 2 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 0.962 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 3 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.470 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 4 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 1.985 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 5 in the measured interval m s-1 wind_speed_max 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 2.480 m (above ground level) maximum windspeed on location 6 in the measured interval degree w.r.t. true North wind_from_direction 52.04547746522528 degrees North (lat), 4.185153852634492 degrees East (lon), 2.480 m(above ground level) average wind direction