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Dataset { Float64 x[x = 1]; Float64 y[y = 1]; Float64 time[time = 4028]; Float64 z_measures[z_measures = 58]; Float64 h_con[h_con = 1]; Float64 deviceDepth_10av[depth = 4028]; Grid { ARRAY: Float64 backscatter_10av[time = 4028][z_measures = 58]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 4028]; Float64 z_measures[z_measures = 58]; } backscatter_10av; Grid { ARRAY: Float64 vel_North[time = 4028][z_measures = 58]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 4028]; Float64 z_measures[z_measures = 58]; } vel_North; Grid { ARRAY: Float64 vel_East[time = 4028][z_measures = 58]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 4028]; Float64 z_measures[z_measures = 58]; } vel_East; Float64 SSC[time = 4028]; Float64 Turb[time = 4028]; Float64 Sal[time = 4028]; Float64 Temp[time = 4028]; } data2/fig/19519210/1/;