Attributes { station_id { String comments "station_id which corresponds to the GTSR shapefile showing the coastal segments"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 29, 16611; DODS { Int32 strlen 16611; String dimName "stations"; } } longitude { String units "degrees_east"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 16611; } loc { String comments "location parameter of the extreme value distribtion type I (Gumbel)"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 16611; } scale { String comments "scale parameter of the extreme value distribtion type I (Gumbel)"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 16611; } latitude { String units "degrees_north"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 16611; } NC_GLOBAL { String creation_time "23-Sep-2016 12:43:59"; String authors "Sanne Muis - IVM-VU"; String comment "parameters of the Gumbel distrubtion based on the GTSR dataset (see Muis et al.,2016). Data is fitted using the evfit function in Matlab"; } }