1 second North Sea degrees_north degrees_east Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 intertidal, beach, morphology CF-1.6 megapex_rtkgps_release20161209 oregonstate.edu DISCLAIMER: This data is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Megapex2014 intertidal morphology CF-1.6 platform_variable instrument_parameter_variable http://ceoas.oregonstate.edu trajectory cohnn@geo.oregonstate.edu 2016-12-09T15:48:27Z 2.5863755581667647E-12 Oregon State University 2.700950574308081E-12 9.999999999994458E-4 Nick Cohn Megapex2014 RTK GPS surveys of intertidal morphology and subaerial beach MegaPEX2014 Trajectory https://zandmotordata.nl/repos/zandmotor/trunk/morphology/megapex/topography (rev 1690S) up http://ceoas.oregonstate.edu m netCDF created on: 2016-12-09T15:47:44Z with script topo2nc.py, script revision number is 1681 saved on 2016-12-09T12:37:06Z. 12.0 52.065002 52.03756 2014-09-16T11:54:08Z -2.95 4.2101197 4.1702256 2014-10-23T08:41:30Z Anne Verheijen 1ea20a71-813b-4901-86d7-bc232cd41259 final a.h.verheijen@student.tudelft.nl 2016-12-09T15:48:45Z 2016-12-09T15:48:45Z seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00 the trajectory id represents the starting time (first observation) in the trajectory trajectory_id Unique identifier for each feature instance seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00 time julian time T m projection_y_coordinate projection_y_coordinate EPSG:28992 Y m projection_x_coordinate projection_x_coordinate EPSG:28992 X 52.06501 EPSG:4326 latitude latitude -90.0 degrees_north 90.0 Y 4.210118 EPSG:4326 longitude longitude -180.0 degrees_east 180.0 X m up altitude altitude Z trajectory 0: offset of -1.59 applied to measurements between 2014-09-16 11:54:08 and 2014-09-16 14:10:22 trajectory 2: offset of -0.16 applied to measurements between 2014-09-18 11:25:05 and 2014-09-18 13:16:57 trajectory 10: offset of -1.72 applied to measurements between 2014-09-26 08:38:29 and 2014-09-26 10:19:37 6377397.155 EPSG:28992 52.0922178 299.1528128 0.9999079 5.23155 +proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.999908 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +towgs84=565.4174,50.3319,465.5542,-0.398957388243134,0.343987817378283,-1.87740163998045,4.0725 +no_defs 463000.0 oblique_stereographic 6356078.96282 155000.0